Stained Glass Transoms Add Light in Denver Entryways

Adding extra light to an entryway area can be a challenge sometimes, Particularly if your door itself is a solid wooden one, and there was no room in the home’s design for any sidelights next to the door. Here in Denver, an ongoing topic of conversation is the sun, how much we get of it, how much we love living here because of it. And one of our favorite things about this area is the way the sun lights up our homes, summer and winter.

If you crave more light in your Denver home’s entryway, consider adding transom stained glass. A transom window is placed above another window or your front door. We’re sure you’ve seen them, many houses are built with entryways that include a door, two sidelights on either side, and a transom window above the door. It might be a thin rectangle or a half circle shape.

Here’s what Denver Stained Glass recommends for your entryway, if you are looking to add more light into your foyer or hallway, a beautiful designer touch, and added value to your home.

Let us add a stained glass transom window above the door, and replace your current door with one that has a glass panel inserted. This way, you can have two matching stained glass panels, adding elegance, class, and uniqueness to your entryway. Along with more light, of course.

Don’t worry about any lack of privacy from the stained glass panel in the door; we can use frosted or textured glass that will ensure your privacy from those outside the house. Your transom and entryway stained glass can be colorless or colored, any style or color combination you choose to complement your architecture, your taste and your décor.

Here are some of the wonderful transom stained glass windows we’ve designed for delighted clients. But there’s no need to be sick with envy, because you can have something just as beautiful, custom designed for you by Denver Stained Glass. Hopefully these lovely photos will give you some great ideas for what you might like in your own home, or a creative jumping off point for a new idea of your own.

Need more transom inspiration? Are you familiar with the social media interior design site, Houzz? Here is a page filled with even more ideas for transom stained glass. And remember, because Denver Stained Glass does every single panel as a custom project, if you have an idea, we can turn it into a stained glass art reality.

By the way, if you have an older home with smaller windows, or rooms in your home where you wish there was more natural light, you can add transom windows there as well. They are an investment, but one that adds genuine value to the home. And of course, in Denver, stained glass art is lovely, eye catching, and an aesthetic enhancement that never goes out of style for any room in your house!