Stained Glass Denver: Custom Designs for Any Area in Your Home

Are you considering adding some custom stained glass to your home? To a window, a door, a kitchen cabinet door, perhaps even a shower door?

Many of our clients tell us they have been thinking about it, dreaming about it, imagining it for years before they actually “take the plunge.” They might have seen some fabulous Stained Glass Denver pieces in friends’ homes, or perhaps they have always loved and admired stained glass. They might have a tiffany lamp or other glass art, and have always wanted to add an authentic stained glass window panel to their collection.

Of course, from our perspective, we can’t imagine why clients and stained glass lovers ever hesitate for a minute.

Are they intimidated by the design process? Stained Glass Denver’s expert consultants make that as simple and pleasurable a process as possible. They’ll show up with an array of samples of previous designs we’ve created for inspiration—or help you to create your own. They’ll help you choose a design that will complement your décor, your architecture, your color scheme or your personal style.

Denver Stained Glass Window Designs

Are they afraid of the cost? Frequently, when people hear the word custom, they immediately assume it’s got to be out of their project, the sort of thing only the rich and famous can afford. Many of our clients are pleasantly surprised by just how affordable custom stained glass can be—not to mention the impact it will have on their homes aesthetics and value.

Are they concerned that they will lose their stained glass artwork if they have to move? We can remove your stained glass panels so you can take them with you to your next home. If the sizes don’t quite work for installation into your new windows, they can be turned into stunning hanging panels that can be placed in front of your windows or just about anywhere in your home.

Are they worried the installation will make a mess? Our installers are efficient and expertly trained—by us!

If you make an appointment for a consultation, Stained Glass Denver will send one of our trained designers right to your home or office and get the design process going. Are you thinking of a stained glass in your home’s entryway, perhaps in the front door and surrounding sidelights? Are you considering jazzing up your kitchen with stained glass cabinet doors? Or are you thinking of creating more privacy in your bathroom with stained glass in the bay window?

We can create custom, hand-crafted stained glass artwork to beautify any area in your home. You tell us! But don’t be surprised if—after you commission your first piece and see how phenomenal it looks in your home—you wind up calling us and commissioning another piece (or two or three) for another room! We have many repeat customers, and we’d love to earn your business.