Restore your stained glass

When it comes to stained glass restoration, Denver Stained Glass has extensive experience. We have restored much antique and damaged stained glass for hotels, churches, and other clients who want their beautiful stained glass restored to its original glory.

One of the largest projects of stained glass restoration Denver Stained Glass worked on was the gorgeous stained glass lobby ceiling of the famed Boulderado Hotel in Boulder Colorado. This restoration took months, which is not unusual. We have developed a special restoration process that includes various steps and depending on the size of the windows to be restored, can take quite a while.

The first thing we need to do is assess the damage to the window. If a stained glass window is bowing or sagging, if pieces of glass are starting to loosen or even crack and fall out under the pressure, the window will need immediate care. When it comes to effective stained glass restoration, Denver customers are encouraged to contact us at the first sign that the stained glass needs repair or some kind of TLC, before things worsen. Clients can send us photos of their windows and describe the damage.

Denver Stained Glass Window Designs

If we can do the stained glass restoration, Denver Stained Glass will uninstall the windows and take them to our studio. The glass will be soaked in a special solution to dissolve any grime, old glue or cement, etc. If there are cracked, chipped, or missing pieces of glass, we will do our best to match it with new glass. We have access to hundreds of colors and types of glass, and can even have glass custom made if necessary to match the original pieces.

For a full stained glass restoration, Denver Stained Glass will disassemble the window, piece by piece, replace any damaged glass, and then reassemble it. We will use brand new lead caming that can be reinforced on the inside for large, heavy windows, to minimize the chances that the same problems will reoccur in another hundred years or so.

Also, with stained glass restoration, Denver Stained Glass has developed special installation techniques that will make it safer and more durable than the original installation. This might include bonding the newly refurbished stained glass to a clear outer pane of regular glass for protection, and the use of steel supports.

A major restoration project can be expensive. When contacting us about doing a church restoration, please ask us about how we can help with your fundraising efforts to pay for the repairs.

For more information about stained glass restoration, Denver or anywhere across the state of Colorado, please feel free to contact us today. We hold the work of previous stained glass artists in high regard and are always intrigued and honored to have the chance to restore their work, so the world does not lose its beauty and light.