Denver Stained Glass Creates Custom Windows of Any Size, Any Shape

If you have ever thought of installing stained glass in your home, but have been told that you need to have a certain size or shape window, think again. Denver Stained Glass can not only fit and install stained glass in any window in your home, they can custom design it as well.

Our Denver based designers can come to your home and work directly with your ideas to design a window with your input.

Now, don’t be intimidated by the word custom—in this case, it doesn’t mean exorbitant. Many of our clients are pleasantly surprised at just how affordable a custom stained glass window can be. And don’t be intimidated by the idea that we’ll need your input and collaboration in the design process, because that could not be any easier or more fun.

We’ll show up on your doorstep with samples of the various styles, patterns and designs that we’ve already created for our previous stained glass loving clients. We’ll help you choose a design that perfectly complements your décor, your tastes, and your architecture.

Of course, if you don’t need any help and already know exactly what you want, that’s great too. Because even if you supply the design via a sketch or photo, your window will still be custom made. Denver Stained Glass employs a talented staff of specially trained artisans who combine modern methods and materials with the traditional hand building methods of assembling a stained glass panel. Each piece of glass is cut by hand, one by one, exactly to the dimensions of the pattern. Then they are assembled by hand, piece by piece, with the caning in between each piece, holding it all together.

Because our patterns are first generated by computer, they are exact. They can be tweaked to fit any window size at all. There’s simply no problem and no reason why you shouldn’t have the custom stained glass window you’ve been longing for. Or more than one!

So if you have an oddly sized window, whether tiny and square or long and narrow, even a round window or a floor to ceiling giant window, Denver Stained Glass can create a stained glass panel that will be an exact fit, and install it with no trouble whatsoever. Now, we want to know who told you it couldn’t be done!

Do you have questions about the process of making a custom stained glass window? Or would you like to get the ball rolling and consult with one of our designers to choose the pattern and style for your windows? Please contact us today to set up an appointment or receive an estimate. Here at Denver Stained Glass, we’d love to earn your business!