Custom stained glass for your Denver home or business.

Custom stained glass, Denver homes: the perfect stylistic combination? Our clients certainly seem to think so. They tell us over and over how much they love collaborating with our designers to create the perfect custom designs to take their home’s décor to the next level of chic beauty. And how much they love enjoying their finished stained glass windows once we have installed them in their homes.

With custom stained glass, Denver homeowners can have a design that enhances and works beautifully with their existing décor and their home’s architecture. That is the magic of custom design. Whether you love modern minimalism, antique designs, vivid colors, or no colors at all, we can create stained glass you will love, stained glass that suits your personal tastes.

Many of our clients love the look of antique stained glass, but they have never been able to find an antique piece that could fit their windows. For these clients, we can design replicas of antique stained glass windows, or other patterns using antiques as our inspiration, but built to fit exactly into the clients existing windows.

Click here to see some of our antique stained glass designs.

Denver Stained Glass Window Designs

Custom stained glass, Denver customers know, can come in any style at all. So the question is which style do you want in your home? Whether you love antique, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, or something eclectic that has no name, we can build it for you, for any room in your home or office space.

Our custom design process starts with sending one of our designers to your home or office. When it comes to custom stained glass in Denver, our customers have a lot of options to choose from. The designer will show you photos, samples, take measurements, do sketches for you. Once you have chosen the design and types of glass you like, we will make an exact pattern for the window using CAD technology. And while that is a modern advancement in the custom stained glass process, our windows are still built by one highly-trained artisan, by hand, the old fashioned way.

This results in a beautifully customized product that will be an exact fit for your windows or door panels. No window is too big or too small to have custom stained glass.

If you are thinking of commissioning some custom stained glass, Denver or the surrounding areas in Colorado, we hope you will give us a call today. We would love to show you what our stunning custom stained glass could do for your home, office, or other commercial space.